UltraWellness - Page 14 of 25

By Elizabeth Boham, MD
IFM’s Annual International Conference   The 2019 Annual International Conference for the Institute for Functional Medicine in San Antonio, Texas, was, as always, a wonderful time to connect with friends, colleagues, and like-minded health care providers. It was also full of…
By Todd R LePine
People often ask me, “What kind of medicine do you practice?” And when I say Functional Medicine, some people don’t really understand. So, I say I’m a psycho-neuro-immuno-endo-gut-ologist, which is because all the systems in the body are interrelated. Sometimes when you specialize, whether you…
By Adonica Nichols, LPN
What is the ION Profile? The Ion panel (Individual Optimal Nutrition by Genova Labs) is a comprehensive look at over 125 key nutrient biomarkers and ratios through a blood draw and urine sample. This test can identify deficiencies and imbalances that may contribute to the root cause of chronic underlying…
By Dr. George Papanicolaou, DO
A lot of patients come to my office with concerns about their memory, cognitive decline, and fear of dementia. In the medical literature, chronic inflammation in the body has been linked to dementia. Now, inflammation is normally not a bad thing. It is the body’s…
By Elizabeth Boham, MD
All of us know someone struggling with ADHD. This common disorder poses many challenges for the person affected, but the good news is that there are plenty of actions that can be taken to reduce symptoms, increase attention and focus, and support brain health. On…
By Dr. George Papanicolaou, DO
I think a lot of people would say “I want to be physically well as I age, but more importantly, I want to have my memory. I want to be alert, oriented, and engaged with people around me.” That means having a healthy brain that ages…
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