By Todd R LePine
As a curious kid who always loved science, I grew up making my own experiments, playing the “Mad Scientist” making volcanoes and smoke bombs in the basement. Biology and chemistry were always my favorite school subjects and I had a supportive family who encouraged these interests. I went…
By Todd R LePine
When we are truly healthy we have a natural resilience against the action of destructive forces on our health. In fact, we have the means to reboot our mind and our body when we give ourselves the right tools. Much like a computer, which has a BIOS (Basic Input Output…
By Todd R LePine
Getting Healthy is an Inside Job The body has an amazing and innate ability to heal itself. As much as modern medicine knows and has to offer us, there is a deep wisdom within our body in that it knows how to create health, given the proper environment. To a…
By Todd R LePine
Every day, for over 30 years, my colleagues in Functional Medicine, and the amazing doctors who work with me at The UltraWellness Center are witness to miracles. Patients come from all over the world to get access to the future of medicine, medicine that focuses on causes, not just symptoms,…
By Todd R LePine
Have you ever had the check-engine symbol light up on your car’s dashboard? We’ve all had it happen. It’s an early warning sign that something isn’t right, and we need to check in with our local mechanic. In the same way, your lab results and body’s symptoms are like that…