Articles - Page 12 of 26

By Amy Hebert
I don’t think there is much dispute that spending time in nature is inherently good for us, but  I would personally take that notion a few steps further and say that spending time regularly in nature is life-changing! In this non-stop world we live in, taking the time…
By Adonica Nichols, LPN
I have struggled with depression and anxiety throughout my life and managed it as well as I thought possible, using therapeutic interventions and medication. For a long time, I had it under control. It wasn’t until I had my third child that I was hit with the big…
By Lisa Nicotera, DC, RN
In my work as a Functional Medicine nurse and health coach, I routinely help my patients find hope. When someone is discouraged and I help them feel more hopeful, I know they are much more likely to get well. I always intuitively knew this was true, but what…
By Ashley Barile
Grief is the intense response to losing someone you love. This life changing experience can cause a flood of emotions and you may wonder how to find the strength to move life forward. The article Coping with Loss: Bereavement and Grief, states that…
By Elizabeth Boham, MD
We’re so excited to announce a new project here at The UltraWellness Center. Our Getting to the Root Series will be bringing you in-depth discussions, on video, that dig into the topics our patients ask about most. We’ll review how we help patients heal,…
By Adonica Nichols, LPN
Willpower, by definition, is “energetic determination.” It is determination to complete the task at hand or the long-term goal you so desperately strive for. I have often heard the phrase “I wish I had the willpower but I just don’t” about many health-related goals. To me,…
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