Blog - Page 6 of 51

By Annette Quatrano, MS, RD, LDN
Many patients that are just starting off on a low histamine diet often ask, “What can I have for breakfast?” This chia seed pudding is a great option for not only breakfast but as an afternoon snack as well. Chia seeds are considered a superfood and rightfully so. They are…
By Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to diet and nutrition. Every person will respond differently to individual foods and food combinations, but there is a universal truth that applies to most people regardless of genetic, environmental, or physical makeup. That universal truth is that a whole food, plant-rich diet…
By Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas found in nature and made in the body. In the 1980’s it was discovered to be an important signaling molecule in the body with many important functions in the cardiovascular system. Hence why Dr. Louis Ignarro, one of the scientists awarded the Nobel Prize…
By Heidi E. Spear
Oftentimes a better night’s sleep is only a few small changes away. Especially in the spring and summer months when daylight lasts longer, it can be easy to fall out of a supportive pattern before bedtime. Here are 3 tips that can promote deeper sleep. Create a Calming Bedroom The…
By Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN
As we begin the transition to spring here in the Berkshires, it’s the perfect time to explore foods that are…
By Ashley Barile
We are excited to offer a three-week online course led by Heidi Spear: Fundamentals of Meditation and Stress-Reduction. This course meets for three consecutive weeks on Thursdays via Zoom. March 24, March 31, and April 7, 2022, 12:00 -1:00PM Eastern Time. All information in these sessions is for educational purposes only,…
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